WERA Focal Meeting (22-24 November 2023, Singapore): Call for Submissions

2023 Call for Submissions WERA Focal Meeting - Singapore - Final Extended Submission Deadline: 15 August 2023
2023 Call for Submissions WERA Focal Meeting – Singapore ( Click to download PDF)
2023 Call for Submissions WERA Focal Meeting - Singapore ( Click to download PDF)
Message to WERA Council Members and Association Representatives
Dear WERA Council Member and Association Representative,
Kindly find attach the Call for Submissions for the World Education Research Association (WERA) Focal Meeting to be held at the National Institute of Education (NIE), Nanyang Technology University (NTU), Singapore from 22-24 November 2023. As has become customary, the WERA Focal Meeting forms an integral part of the conference of a member association. The WERA 2023 Focal Meeting is co-hosted with the Educational Research Association of Singapore (ERAS) and consists of a programme of paper, poster, roundtable, and symposium sessions on topics of worldwide emphasis and significance.
We would like to ask that you please distribute the Call for the WERA 2023 Focal Meeting to members in your association and in your networks. Please could you request that they also distribute this Call widely amongst their networks. To a very large extent, the success of a WERA Focal Meeting is dependent on effective outreach to potential presenters and attendees. As a Member of Council, we therefore seek your help in disseminating this Call widely to other networks of scholars in your country, region, or area of research. Please assist WERA by posting the Call on your website, distribute through any lists you have, send to your boards or councils, include in any newsletter, and otherwise be sure that all those who are members or affiliated with your association receive this information. The online submission system for abstracts can be found on the WERA-ERAS conference website at “Call for Abstracts”.
Submissions for the Call must be completed by:
First submission round deadline: 15 March 2023; 23:59 Singapore (GMT+8) [Notifications by 30 May 2023]
Final submission round deadline: 28 July 2023; 23:59 Singapore (GMT+8) [Notifications by 1 September 2023]
We thank you for your participation in WERA programmatic activities and look forward to your continued engagement in WERA in the future. Your commitment in helping to advance the work of WERA and education research worldwide is much appreciated. We also invite you to submit an abstract for a paper, poster, roundtable and/or a symposium for the WERA 2023 Focal Meeting. Information for Invited Association Symposia will follow in due course.
Please do not put this request for help aside. We need all representatives and their WERA Member associations to collaborate with us and post and distribute the Focal Meeting Call widely.
Best wishes,
Programme Directors
Bee Leng Chua, WERA President
Rocio Garcia-Carrion, WERA Secretary General